Si Dios permitiera que las piedras hablaran......Que dirian? Las piedras han visto mucho mas que la mente mortal se pudiera imaginar. Han visto el poder y la grandeza de nuestro Dios durante todas las edades. Piedras han sido usadas para cosas inumerables. Fueron usadas para edificar altares y monumentos. Se usaron para edificar templos, torres, muros y pyramides. Tambien se uso una piedra para derribar un gigante. De igual manera se usaron como puntos de referencia o un conmemorativo. Vemos que tambien hubieron piedras preciosas colocadas en el Urim y el Tumim y el ephod. Dios escribio los Diez Mandamientos en unas piedras. Mucha de las historia del mundo fue imprimada sobre piedras.
Si Dios puede hacer que un mudo hable, ciertamente El puede hacer que las piedras hablan si asi lo deseare. Pero noten que las piedras nos expresan tanto. Cuando Jesus iba hacia Jerusalen muchos le comenzaron a alabarle y adorarle por los gran milagros y las gran obras que habia hecho. Algunos de los Fariseos le pidieron a Jesus que reprendiera a sus discipulos. Jesus respondio, “Os digo que si éstos callaren, las piedras clamarán.” Pero alabado sea El Señor que somos piedras vivas. Declaramos y estamos identifacados con la Piedra Angular. Estamos identifacados con la Piedra Rechazada. Su nombre es Jesucristo. Aquellos que se identifican con El testifican de su gloria, misericordia, y gracia. Ellos comparten del poder sanador y del poder que El tiene para obrar milagros. Hablamos del Unico que tiene poder para perdonar los mas viles pecados. Es usted una piedra viva? O es una tumba? O es una preciosa piedra que refleja la luz del Hijo? Vamos a declarar de su gloria, porque si no lo hacemos las piedras lo haran.
Lucas 19:40 El, respondiendo, les dijo: Os digo que si estos callaran, las piedras clamarian.
1 Pedro 2:5 vosotros tambien, como piedras vivas, sed edificados como casa espiritual y sacerdocio santo, para ofrecer sacrificios espirituales aceptables a Dios por medio de Jesucristo.
Dedicacion - 62-1111M
106. Ahora, tómanos a cada uno de nosotros, al entregarte a Tí la iglesia, el edificio. Nosotros mismos nos entregamos Tí, en solemne dedicación. Y que el Espíritu Santo en todo Su Poder Divino, en Su gloria Shekina, venga retumbando por todas las eternidades a nuestro corazón, Señor, y encuentre su morada para estos últimos días. Y que nos llame a Su servicio, como mensajeros, quizás no para el púlpito, sino para la estación de gasolina, en el lavadero, o dondequiera que fuera, para testificarle al lechero, al muchacho vendedor de periódicos, o al que fuera. Haznos testimonios y piedras vivas llenas con la gloria Shekina, el Espíritu Santo mismo. Llena nuestros corazones y vidas, Padre.
If God would allow the stones to speak, What would they say? The stones have seen so much more than a mortal mind could fathom. They’ve seen the greatness and power of our God through the ages. Stones were used for a countless number of things. They were used to build altars and monuments. They were used to construct temples, towers, walls and pyramids. They were used to slay giants. They were used as landmarks, tombstones, and memorials. Then there were the precious stones that were positioned on the Urim Thummim and the ephod. God wrote the Ten Commandments on stones. Much of this worlds history was imprinted on stones.
If our God can make the dumb to speak, He most certainly can make stones speak if He desired. But if you notice, stones tell us so much. As Jesus made his way to Jerusalem many began to praise him and worship him for the great miracles and mighty works he had done. Some of the Pharisees asked Jesus to rebuke his disciples. Jesus replied, “If these should hold there peace, the stones would immediately cry out.” But praise be to God that we are living stones! We declare and are identified with the Chief Cornerstone. We are identified with that Rejected Stone. His name is Jesus Christ. Those identified with Him testify of His glory, mercy, and grace. They share of His healing and miracle working power. We talk about the only one that can has power to forgive the vilest of sins. Are you a living stone? Are you a tombstone? Are you a precious stone that reflects the light of the Son? Let us declare his glory and reflect His light! Because if you don’t do it the stones will cry out.....
1 Peter 2:5
[5] Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.
Luke 19:40
[40] And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.
62-1111M Dedication
106 Now, take each one of us, as we give the church, the building, to You. We give ourselves to You, in solemn dedication. And may the Holy Spirit in all of His Divine Power, in His Shekinah glory, come rolling down through the eternities, into our hearts, Lord, find His dwelling place for these last days. And call us to the service, as messengers, maybe not for the pulpit, but at the filling station, at the wash tub, wherever it might be, to testify to the milkman, to the paper boy, or whatever it might be. Make us testimonies and living stones filled with the Shekinah glory, the Holy Spirit, Himself. Fill our hearts and lives, Father.
Dios siempre nos esta preparando para algo mejor. Confié en El.
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