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February 15, 2023

Una Mente Decidida | Eliezer Hernandez & Guillermo Avila


Dios se muestra a través de las siete edades de la iglesia. | God shows himself throughout the seven church ages.

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Un dia nuestro salvador se convertira en nuestro Juez | One day our savior will become our Judge.

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Todos los errores seran corregidos algun dia. | All the mistakes will be corrected one day.

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Un resumen de todo lo que hemos aprendido acerca de la deidad.  | A summary of everything we have learned about the Godhead.

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Juan entra en el espíritu mientras esta en la isla de Patmos | John gets in the spirit while on the isle of Patmos.

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Todo se trata acerca de la gracia! |It’s all about grace 

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Cuando estamos atravesando tripulación, Dio manda revelacion. | When we are going through tribulation, God sends revelation.

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Introduction to the book of Revelation. | Introduccion al libro de Apocalipsis.

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